Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Cade!

My sweet baby boy is 10 today! He is our joy! The answer to many, many prayers! Happy Birthday Cade! I love you forever!

p.s. if you click on this photo, you can see his pink toe-nails! He painted his toe-nails, by himself, in my living room!! He was so proud of himself!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friday Night Sew In

Woo Hoo! The next Friday Night Sew In is set for March 19! I have marked it on the calendar and I know that Andy is at the Fire Dept. that night so the boys can go get supper for themselves!! I will sure look forward to a night of getting all comfy, having something yummy to snack on and sewing whatever I want! If you want to join just sign up on Heidi's blog (Handmade by Heidi) it is really nice to see what others are working on and she gives away a prize on the Sunday after the Sew In!

I have written before that I am a volunteer at my son's school. It is a brand new school that just opened this school year. It is pretty big, with alot of students. I have met alot of nice people "working" there. Somehow, I got asked by the Media Specialist to volunteer in the Media Center (or library, as it used to be called) Now, getting to "work" in the library is a much sought after position!! Lot's of the Mom's want that spot!! You arent stuck cutting out things or making copies. You get to meet all the students and most of the teachers come in and out! The kids are usually excitied to be in the library (out of class) so they are glad to see you! Believe me, when Ms. Sherry asked me if I wanted to "work" in the library I jumped at the chance for all of those reasons and mostly because the Media Specialist, Ms. Sherry, is so, so nice!! She is only a year older than me (43) she is just so cute and always so fun with the students and teachers! One of those type of people that everyone loves to be around!

She sent me an email on tuesday and asked me to meet her for breakfast. She asked the other "worker" Sam, to meet us too. I knew that it was going to be bad news and it was, she has rectum cancer. She found out last Wednesday on Winter Break. She is still in shock and still having test sone to found out all the details. I was blown away! I can not imagine how she is feeling! She told us that she was scared but was going to be positive about this. She has a 15 year old daughter! She said that she feels good and was sleeping well at night. Her church was praying for her and that gave her a feeling of peace. She is very worried that with her away for her tests, that the library will be closed and she does not want that to happen. In this economy, with state and local cut-backs, our county cut back on the aides that work in the schools. There is no library assistant, if the permanent sub. is needed somewhere else when Sherry isnt there, they have to close the library for the day. She has asked me and the other Mom, Sam, to go in and open it, when we can, even if its only for a couple of hours, a couple of days. Of coarse, we said that we would be happy to do that for her. She was so relieved, but it seems like such a little thing! I would love to do more for her, so I am asking that any of you who believe in prayer, to pray for her, her family and for me and Sam, and our families as we try to do what we can for her!! I would appreciate so much! I am blown away by this, all I can do is pray and ask for more prayers!

Didnt mean to have such a sad post. I will end by showing this picture of Ruby, helping me quilt my daughter's graduation quilt last May! She took it to college with her, nexy time that she brings it home to be washed, I will get a picture of it!

Have a Great Day!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Quiet Monday

My living room is pile of blankets and pillows, no werewolves and vampire toys, no playstation games, no "Wimpy Kid" books.

Already this morning, I have a roast in the crock-pot, laundry is done and the bathrooms are clean!

This little boy went back to school today! I miss him and his "messes" so very much!! It is way to quiet without him here!

Happy Monday Everyone!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Friday Night!

o.k. The next time I post that I am going to cook supper before Friday Night Sew In, someone please write to me and remind me that it is not a good idea for me to do that!! Because of Winter Break, the boys had ate lunch after 1pm and Andy had gone to a funeral home so we planned a late supper. That put me in the kitchen til after 7pm. My sewing room has real shadowy lighting at night so I have a hard time doing handwork in there.

I gathered my supplies early and got everything ready! Diet Dr. Pepper, a movie, chocolate and some hand quilting!!

I did enjoy my time! I'm not near enough along on that quilt but hopefully when school starts back, I will get more done! The movie was alright, the ladies were beautiful, I loved looking at the costumes, "King Henry" was cute enough to take my attention away from my quilting!! I will say the book was better.

I have my little embroidery bag packed and I am ready to go to my Redwork class this morning!

Thanks Heidi for hosting Friday Night Sew, when is the next one?


Friday, February 19, 2010


I am so ready for Heidi's Friday Night Sew In!! Yesterday afternoon, our phones and internet went out! There were outages all over our area! Everything came back up today around 10. I sure hope it stays up!! I am really looking forward to seeing what everyone else works on tonight!

I have to work on the little purple baby quilt but I know that I won't let the night go by without doing some piecing! Tomorrow, I am taking a Redwork class so I need to get my supplies ready for that!

I am setting in a nice supply of diet Dr. Pepper, I still have plenty of chocolate from my Valentine's Day gift and I think that I may bring a dvd player into my sewing room and watch "The other Bolyen Girl" I am making chicken quesadilla's for supper. I am not going to get sidetracked with housecleaning this time!! I will post my pictures tonight since I have to leave early in the morning for my class!

Enjoy your Friday Night!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Winter Break!

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! I spent a wonderful day shopping with my husband and Cade! Later, we met Joey out for a delicious supper! I didnt buy any fabric but I stocked up on my favorite hand quilting needles and another thimble that I love!! I also got a new camera that I am still trying to figure out how to use! It was sad not getting to see my daughter for my birthday but I talked to her many times!

My dryer decided to break down for my birthday! It is about 20 years old and the drum shifts from time to time. The repair is simple and the man who fixes it says that we wont be able to buy one that will be as good as this one so to keep it til it can't be fixed. Getting it out of my house is a big headache. My little laundry room is so small that we have to move the washer to get the dryer out. The guy fixes it overnight so we just leave the washer and everything that is kept in the laundry room in the middle of my kitchen! What a mess! "We" also let the washer hose slip which spilled water into some clean kitty litter so now I am waiting to put everything back so that I can mop this messy floor!!

I am excitied about Heidi's Friday Night Sew In! I am trying to decide on what all to work on. Saturday, I am taking a redwork class so that is exciting too!
We are still enjoying watching the Olympics at night. We all stayed up late to watch Shaun White win his gold in the half pipe!

I made a Red Velvet Cake for my birthday. (i am trying to load a picture grrr) It turned out pretty good in fact, it was good enough that I will send the leftovers to the Fire Dept. so that I don't eat it all up!! Well, blogger is taking too long I will try to load the picture up later!

This post seems very, very boring so if you are still reading til the end...I really thank you for hanging in!
Have a great day,

Monday, February 15, 2010

I LOVE Embroidery!!!

I am having so much fun with my hand embroidery! This is a pillowcase that I did while watching the olympics at night! It is so relaxing!! This is a pre-stenciled pillowcase that I bought at Michaels. I did'nt know that there was a color chart inside for the floss. I just picked the thread that looked like the picture, and what I thought looked cute! It came with 2 pillowcases so I am wanting to make the matching one! I also bought another pattern from bigB! It is a pattern set with the sweetest cupcakes!!! Now I want to make a little dish towel with some of those cupcakes!!

I am going to have to put the embroidery to the side while I finish up that purple baby quilt! It has a deadline so I have to get on it!

I asked Cade and Joey if they wanted a pillowcase with pink flowers and they both said "NO!" That's ok, they both get really bad nose bleeds anyway!!

Tuesday is my birthday so I am going out for the day with my sweet husband!

Have a great day!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

We finally got a good snow day here! They cancelled school for Friday but the snow did'nt start till around 1pm. We got a beautiful almost 3 inches!! The boys got out the 4-wheelers and sleds and had a wonderful time! I only went out a couple of times. I stayed busy washing their wet clothes, mopping up the snow from the floor and looking for the match to their gloves!!!

I did the Book Fair all week and it about wore me out!! I missed being at home. It really made me appreciate being able to be a stay-at-home Mom! My hat is off to all the Mom's who work a job then come home and have to do all the cleaning and supper and any after school activities!!! Whew! We have Winter Break all this week and I will be glad to be able to (kinda) get the house in order. I also plan on finishing up the purple baby quilt.

Every evening I have been practicing my hand embroidery in the t.v. room with Andy. We have been watching the Olympics. I usually sew in my sewing room so this has been a nice change. The embroidery is so relaxing, a perfect end to a busy day!!

Today is Valentine's Day and my Sweetheart is at the Fire Dept. We exchanged gifts yesterday. I hinted to Kelsey some ideas and she passed them on! I got a dvd that I have always wanted. "The Other Boleyn Girl" I read the book and loved it. Believe me, nobody around here would want to watch it but me, so I will take a day when noone is here and enjoy it! I also got a Barnes and Noble gift card and some very good chocolates!! We will go to church, then to my grandmother's birthday party. That will be fun, I love her and my Sister will be there from Alabama!! I am making the boys (and mine) favorite for supper. Spaghetti!

I am glad to be back blogging! I have missed it! I need to catch up on my blog reading!

Have a Wonderful Valentine's Day!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Baby Quilt...again

This is the baby quilt that I am making for a lady at church to give to her friend. The lady said to make it purple and girly. This is a pattern that I have made before. It is from Alex Anderson's Baby Quilts book. It is so so easy to make! I wanted to show my fabric choice. Andy thought that it looks too "old" but I think that when I'm done it will be ok. I have a purple gingham for the back and I will bind it in the yellow. When I finish quilting the quilt, I will cut the curved border which really makes the quilt special!

Here is the same pattern. I made this for the quilt shop to show off Moda's new on-the-roll bias binding. The fabric is Moda Shangri La.

Cade said that he would pose and act like he was using the quilt! This poor quilt hung at the shop for a long time then I brought it home and hung it on the ladder in my living room. It has never been used or loved like a quilt should be used!!

He is really getting into it isn't he??!! This little quilt is 38x42. It is hand quilted in a 1 inch crosshatch.

I hope that everyone is having a good week! Thursday is my last "free" day before the book fair starts up. I may not post much next week. I will be at Cade's school everyday. I'm not used to being away from home that much!
I am hoping that my sweet girl will come home this weekend! Since we are due more cold rain she will warm our house up for sure!!!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pillow Cases

I love the way my pillow cases turned out! I really hope that Kelsey likes them! Not only are they a special gift but I had so much fun making them! I also learned so much! Both patterns are from BigB! be mine pack. I used plain old white pillow cases that I bought at Walmart. I had to go to Joann's yesterday so I picked up two different trims for them.

My comforter looks dirty but it is really a cream color! Cream colored with alot of cat hair!

This is what my sewing room looked like last night! I can't believe that I made this big a mess just doing some embroidery!

Today, I have all my running around to do. We have a busy week with the book fair starting up and 2 birthday parties to go to. Also, a young lady from church asked if I would make a baby quilt for her to give to a friend of hers who had a baby girl. This will be a very quick quilt. She asked for it to be purple and girly. I didnt have any yardage of purple fabric so I had to go shopping. Sigh, such a chore! Anyway, I picked out a pretty purple floral but Andy says it isnt babyish enough. I will take some pictures of it and you can let me know what you think!

Have a great day and thanks for reading!
