Today I am linking up with the Quilt Square Along over at Jo's Country Junction. The Bear's Paw square was the square picked for February. The square patterns are from Lori Smith. I finished mine (with a few problems) and hand quilted it. I have it displayed in my living room on one of my end tables. You can go over to Jo's and see all the cute squares that others have done. and see the square that she picked for March. It is stars and looks very sweet!
My laptop is still giving me fits about adding links so let me try to add one here:
It is so cute and scrappy..a fun little quilt. I like the hand quilting too....something I probably wouldn't take the time to do but it adds so much. :)
What a great block! Little Miss did a Bear Paw that was Queen Size for an auction. She never wants to see another one ever again. Wait until I show her your cute little one. I think you'll change her mind!
I don't see any problems...it looks great. I see you too had little cheddar color slip in you block.
Love the scrappy look.
Love your little quilt and beautiful hand quilting.
Awesome block...love the quilting!
I really like that block and admire you for the hand quilting.
I like your colors, and your hand quilting! Thanks for sharing.
Your block is wonderful. I love the scrappy colors! Any problems you had certainly don't show! ~Jeanne
Hey, Libby. It's Chubby McGee. You asked about the granola recipe. I got the "bones" of the recipe from Pinterest, but I tweaked it to make it "healthier" (even though it has butter) than the one posted. I started making our own granola about a month ago. It's super easy (and cheap) and it's one of those things you can fix up to suit your own needs.
Unfortunately, I thought I pinned the darn recipe onto one of my boards, but I just checked for you and realized that it's not on there. I even tried to find it again via the search. What I'll do is give you the ingredients that I used for this last particular batch. Yes, it's high in cals/fat, but it also has protein, fiber, and whole grains. 2 TBSP in your yogurt would be GREAT (and it adds so much flavor and goodness). :)
1 cup rolled oats (not instant)
1/4-1/2 cup honey (use just enough to wet the mixture and bring it all together)
1 tsp vanilla extract (or you can use any flavor you want - caramel, coconut, maple, etc.)
1-2 tbsp unsalted butter (you can use margarine if you'd prefer)
2 TBSP unsweetened coconut flakes (optional)
2 TBSP ground flax
2 TSP whole flax seeds
2 of those teeny-tiny snack pack-sized raisin boxes (probably works itself out to be 2 TBSP of raisins)
-Preheat oven to 350° F
-Place honey, extract, and butter into a microwavable bowl and microwave on high for about 30 seconds.
-Stir the wet ingredients together and set aside for a minute
-In another bowl, combine the dry ingredients together
-Pour the wet mixture over the dry mixture and stir thoroughly. Get the oats well-coated.
-Pour the granola mixture onto a lined or lightly greased cookie sheet and place in the oven.
-Bake for about 8-10 minutes on one side, then flip/mix the concoction and bake for another 4-8 minutes. You can stir it a little bit as it cooks, too, to keep it from getting black or burnt in certain spots
You can also add nuts, PB2, or other dried fruits...play around with it. :) Have fun! Enjoy!
I had to swing by and say that we LOOOOOOVE FINN!!!!! I love that show. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm way too old to be watching cartoons, but I can't peel myself away from "Adventure Time."
I do hope you'll post pics. I'm sure your son will look fantastic! It's funny how the costumes really don't seem to come together as fantastically as they do come Halloween night. I have great faith he'll do Finn some justice. ;)
Love that block! I have been wanting to quilt for a long time, but I haven't been motivated enough. Hmm, I feel Somme motivation coming on.
Sweet blog!
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