1. Do you have a current list of Pigs (unfinished projects)
2. How Many do you have?
3. What is the oldest and how old is it?
Hmmm...#1. I do not have a complete PIG list. I don't have many though.
#2. I know of 4 that I want to finish. 3 of them this year.
#3 My oldest PIG is close to 5 years old.
Here are the 3 PIGS that I want to work on.
This is a 9 patch scrap quilt that I did last year for Amanda Jeans Quilt Along. I have the blocks all done, just needs put together and quilted.
String Quilt. I started this quilt a few months ago. I HAD all the blocks done and some rows put together...then at Christmas I used some of the blocks to make potholders as gifts:) I need to make more blocks, put the quilt together and quilt it.

Halloween Quilt. I am handquilting this quilt right now. I am almost done but keep putting it aside to do embroidery!! I need to finish quilting it get it bound and put up for Halloween 2011!
My fourth PIG is my Moda Christmas Quilt AKA the Pizza Box Quilt. It is a kit that I bought about 5 years ago and worked on at the Quilt Shop when I worked there. I will probably put it off and work on something else!
Thanks Jill for making me make a list of my PIGS!
Beautiful projects!
I LOVE that 9 patch! I have had that in the back of my mind to do with my scraps and keep getting sidetracked.
4 projects to finish is not too bad! They are beautiful! I still have the star quilt to finish with Amanda Jean!!! I need to make a list too!
OMG Libby!!! That's all that you have??? Oh my, I am sooooo jealous of you! I haven't counted mine for a while but I know that I do have 30+ quilt tops that need to be quilted and somewhere around 50+ other projects that haven't even made it to the "quilt top" stage!
Those are some beautiful projects! The nine patch is gorgeous - I hope you post pictures when you are done!
Those are great projects. Not many of them. Very do-able!
wonderful projects
I'm with Kristie.... That's ALL you have? And you call yourself a quilter??? HMPH!!! lol
I really like what you have going on though! Get 'em done! lol
Fun string quilt ... I am going to be working on one this Friday! Great job with your FNSI.
Angie - http://craftedAngles.com
Your works-in-progress all look good. And you hand quilt, too?! WOW! I have one I am about to start handquilting and it will probably take me the rest of the winter.
wow..amazing and very inspiring! I especially love the Halloween Quilt blocks..great combinations!
Love all of your projects! Sooo cute. Can't wait to see them progress. Gonna follow along. :o)
Nice to *meet* you.
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